This neat iPhone camera trick can simulate your natural vision

Remember the days when a phone was just a phone?
Over the past two decades, the field of mobile computing has advanced at an unprecedented pace, outstripping the progress of many other industries.
Today’s smartphones have transcended their initial purpose of facilitating remote communication between individuals.
The iPhone, in particular, has undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from a keyboard-less communication device to a mobile gaming console and a camera rivaling professional DSLRs.
Even in 2023, devoted Apple enthusiasts continuously discover innovative applications for seemingly routine iPhone features.
A recent example involves Japanese optician Sakata Yoshi, who ingeniously utilized the iPhone’s camera lens to illustrate the visual experience of individuals with impaired vision, offering insights into how they perceive the world without the aid of glasses.
While the motive behind Yoshi’s demonstration may not be entirely clear, his video provides an intriguing perspective for those curious about understanding the natural vision of friends or family members who wear glasses.
In the showcased demonstration, Yoshi simulates what appears to be his own natural vision using the iPhone’s AF/AE lock camera function.
This feature enables the locking of focus and exposure values when capturing a photo, proving valuable in scenarios involving background movement or close-up macro photography.
As mobile technology continues to advance, individuals like Yoshi exemplify the inventive applications that enthusiasts can explore, pushing the boundaries of conventional smartphone functionalities.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for trying out Yoshi’s technique yourself: Begin by placing your iPhone’s camera lens behind a pair of prescription eyeglasses.
Press and hold anywhere in the viewfinder until the AF/AE lock function appears at the top of the screen.
Once the lock is in place, simply remove the eyeglasses from the camera’s view. Voilà! You can now experience how the world looks without glasses, either from your own perspective or that of the person whose glasses you borrowed.
In another video, Yoshi extends his demonstration to simulate presbyopia, the condition where individuals have difficulty seeing objects up close.
Without the use of eyeglasses, Yoshi focuses on a slightly distant object (such as drapes), activating the AF/AE lock using the same iPhone function.
Consequently, the iPhone camera can clearly capture objects at a similar distance to the drapes, while objects positioned closer to the camera appear blurry.
This mimics the visual experience of someone with presbyopia navigating the world without glasses.
Interestingly, Yoshi’s initial posts on this subject were removed for guideline violations.
Despite this, the optician has reapproached the topic in new tweets, prefacing them with a message: “This might not go viral again… so I’m asking everyone for the first time, please spread the word! Everyone on Twitter! Please share your strength with me!” We appreciate Yoshi for sharing this insightful discovery with the community.

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