“AI Taking Jobs” surged by 304% Globally in the Past Year, especially in these two countries

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked concerns about its impact on employment.
As machines become increasingly proficient in tasks traditionally performed by humans, there’s a growing apprehension that jobs across various industries could be at risk.
AI’s efficiency in routine tasks, data analysis, and even creative processes has led to automation, potentially displacing certain roles. While AI offers opportunities for innovation and productivity, addressing the ethical and socioeconomic implications of job displacement remains crucial.

AI taking Jobs in United States

In December 2023, searches in the United States related to “AI taking jobs” witnessed a substantial surge, marking a 276% increase compared to the same month the previous year. This surge was particularly notable in California and Virginia.
Globally, interest in this topic has experienced an extraordinary surge of 9,200% since December 2013. Presently, the likelihood of AI replacing jobs is deemed low, functioning more as a tool for professionals. However, the trajectory of future advancements could elevate the associated risks.
Source: Google trends data
Google Trends data reveals a significant 2,666% uptick in searches for AI suggesting potential opportunities for job creation.
The year 2024 is anticipated as a pivotal period for gauging concerns about job obsolescence in the face of advancing AI technologies.
In the analysis of search trends from December 2023 compared to December 2013, there has been a notable surge of approximately 7,800% in US search interest for the term AI.
A broader global perspective, considering trends from December 2022, reveals heightened concern in Australia, surpassing that of the US, followed by Canada, the Philippines, and the UK. While the US experienced a 276% increase in the use of this search term, it remains 28 points lower than the global average of 304%.
This discrepancy suggests a comparatively lower level of concern in the US. However, as the search term reaches an all-time high, closely monitoring consumer concerns becomes imperative to potentially address and alleviate any fears they may harbor.
The current probability of AI remains relatively low, as generative AI predominantly functions as a supportive tool for professionals rather than a direct substitute.
Source: Google trends source
Despite this scenario, the trajectory of AI advancement suggests a potential shift in the future, making it more probable that it could assume a more significant role in job displacement than previously anticipated.
The evolving capabilities of AI raise considerations about its increasing influence on various industries, indicating a need for continuous monitoring and adaptation in the workforce to navigate potential changes in employment dynamics.
The statistics unveil a remarkable surge of 2,666% in searches related to AI with the majority originating from Singapore, Kenya, and Pakistan.
Source: Google trends data
Additionally, the data points to a noteworthy interest in data science and machine learning, emerging as prominent search queries and topics.
This surge in inquiries highlights a growing curiosity and focus on employment opportunities within the field of artificial intelligence, underscoring the global significance of AI-related roles.

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As the demand for AI-related skills intensifies, the heightened interest in ‘AI jobs’ reflects a broader trend toward the exploration of career prospects in this dynamic and rapidly evolving technological landscape.
The unfolding trajectory presents an intriguing outlook, as the pulse of global sentiment is discerned through the insights shared above.
Extracted from Google Trends, these findings illuminate a mounting sense of apprehension about the potential obsolescence of specific jobs. The approaching year, 2024, stands as a critical litmus test, poised to validate or refute the factual basis of these concerns.
Observing the evolving landscape will offer valuable insights into the intersection of technological advancements and workforce dynamics, providing a nuanced understanding of the implications that may unfold in the near future.


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