Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra colors: every rumored shade in S24 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, set to make waves as one of the pricier smartphones in 2024 – our Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra price predictions guide spills the beans! Now, why does the color matter? Well, you want a shade that puts a smile on your face, right?
No worries, most folks won’t be left in the dark. While the official colors for the Samsung Galaxy S24 are still under wraps, the rumor mill is buzzing with excitement.

Whispers suggest that the Galaxy S24 Ultra might just spoil you for choice with seven different, fabulous shades!
Check out all the juicy rumored options below, and hey, we’ve got our ear to the ground. If there’s any fresh news on colors, we’ll dish it out right here. Mark your calendars – the Samsung Galaxy S24 lineup is rumored to touch down on January 17.

Titanium Gray

The hue in question, described as Gray, or possibly Titanium Gray, has consistently surfaced in discussions from the same sources mentioned earlier.
Once again, unanimity prevails, making it highly probable that this shade will indeed be on the menu.
It wouldn’t be surprising at all, given the widespread popularity of gray as a phone color, and Samsung’s penchant for offering such options, as exemplified by the Graphite shade on the Galaxy S23 Ultra pictured above.

While officially termed Graphite, it’s worth noting that there might be subtle distinctions from the gray in question, although the Windows Report image suggests any differences are likely minimal.
While not the most exhilarating of shades, gray boasts a sophisticated appearance that gracefully recedes into the background rather than demanding attention.

Titanium Black

Black emerges as undoubtedly the most widespread and popular choice for smartphones, making it unsurprising that rumors suggest a version of it for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.
Referred to as Titanium Black by one source, the same channels that discussed the aforementioned shades also hinted at a black model.
The Windows Report image above allegedly provides a glimpse of how this variant might look, aligning with Samsung’s tradition of offering black options, exemplified by the black Galaxy S23 Ultra showcased in the image.

Similar to gray, black embodies a sophisticated and understated aesthetic, making it a wise choice that seamlessly blends into various surroundings. Its versatility ensures it can complement nearly any environment effortlessly.

Titanium Yellow

The final member of the Titanium color spectrum we’ve caught wind of is Titanium Yellow, and it appears to be the most vibrant among the Titanium selections, as indicated by the image featured earlier from Windows Report.
Consistently cited by the same sources as the previously mentioned shades, the likelihood of Titanium Yellow making an appearance is high, although it’s worth noting that yellow isn’t a color Samsung frequently incorporates into its phone lineup.
Despite this, there have been occasional instances of yellow Samsung phones, such as the yellow Samsung Galaxy S10e showcased above.
While the certainty of seeing this particular shade may be lower compared to the options mentioned earlier, the prospect adds a touch of excitement to the potential color palette for the Samsung Galaxy S24.

Light blue

The previously mentioned color options have been consistently reported by the same set of four sources.
However, there’s also talk of a light blue or blue shade from two of those sources, specifically @UniverseIce (referring to it simply as ‘blue’) and Ross Young, who specifies it as light blue and mentions that this particular hue might be exclusively available on Samsung’s online store.

Light green

The notion of a light green shade, or possibly just ‘green,’ has been put forth by the same two sources that discussed the light blue variant.

Consequently, our confidence in the likelihood of this color making an appearance is somewhat lower compared to some of the other options. If it does materialize, the grapevine suggests it will be yet another exclusive for Samsung’s online store.


The final rumored Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra shade is orange, and this once again is said to be a Samsung store exclusive, and has only been mentioned by the two sources that mentioned blue and green shades.

Read More: Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra beat the iPhone 15 Pro Max

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